Example text

The text component has the following properties:

  • text: the text. Can include a subset of markdown (bold, italic, and links).
  • textSize (optional): one of S, M, L, defaults to M
  • textColor (optional): one of NORMAL, MUTED, SUCCESS, WARNING, ERROR, defaults to NORMAL

For example:

import { uiComponent } from '@team-plain/typescript-sdk';

    text: 'The **quick** brown fox _jumps_ over the [lazy link](https://plain.com)',

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Small text', size: 'S' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Medium text', size: 'M' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Large text', size: 'L' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Normal text', color: 'NORMAL' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Muted text', color: 'MUTED' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Success text', color: 'SUCCESS' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Warning text', color: 'WARNING' }),

  uiComponent.text({ text: 'Error text', color: 'ERROR' }),