This event is fired when the status of an SLA linked to a thread changes.

As part of the serviceLevelAgreementStatusDetail field threads can have a status with the following values:

PENDINGWhen the timer on the SLA is counting down but has not met the IMMINENT_BREACH threshold
IMMINENT_BREACHFor SLAs where an alert has been set up to notify the team before it breaches. The SLA will be in this status after the alert period and before the SLA breaches
BREACHINGApplies to SLAs while their conditions are not met e.g if a thread with a first response time (FRT) SLA has not been replied to after the time period specified
ACHIEVEDA thread where the SLA conditions were met e.g a thread was replied to within the FRT SLA period
BREACHEDA thread where the SLA conditions were not met (and so entered BREACHING) but action has been taken that would have resolved the SLA e.g a thread breached the FRT SLA, but then first reply was sent
CANCELLEDAn SLA which no longer applies e.g if a thread is marked as done with no reply the SLA is cancelled since we don’t want it to affect metrics


View JSON Schema →


  "timestamp": "2023-10-19T21:24:36.108Z",
  "workspaceId": "w_01GST0W989ZNAW53X6XYHAY87P",
  "payload": {
    "eventType": "thread.service_level_agreement_status_transitioned",
    "serviceLevelAgreement": {
      "id": "sla_01HD4X6WMCJSD8EHWDRHZ8WYDT",
      "type": "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME",
      "tier": {
        "id": "tier_01HD4X6WMCJSD8EHWDRHZ8WYDT",
        "name": "Enterprise",
        "externalId": null,
        "color": "#FF0000",
        "defaultThreadPriority": 0,
        "isDefault": false
      "firstResponseTimeMinutes": 60,
      "useBusinessHoursOnly": true,
      "threadPriorityFilter": [0, 1, 2, 3]
    "serviceLevelAgreementStatusDetail": {
      "status": "BREACHED",
      "breachedAt": "2023-10-19T21:18:12.863Z"
    "previousServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetail": {
      "status": "IMMINENT_BREACH",
      "breachTime": "2023-10-19T21:18:12.863Z"
    "thread": {
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      "customer": {
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          "verifiedAt": null
        "externalId": null,
        "fullName": "Peter Santos",
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        "assignedToUser": null,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "statusChangedAt": "2023-10-19T21:18:12.863Z",
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        "createdAt": "2023-10-19T14:12:25.142Z",
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        "updatedAt": "2023-10-19T21:18:12.863Z",
        "updatedBy": {
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          "userId": "u_01H1V4NA10RMHWFBXB6A1ZBYRA"
      "title": "Unable to tail logs",
      "previewText": "Hey, I am currently unable to tail the logs of the service svc-8af1e3",
      "priority": 1,
      "externalId": null,
      "status": "DONE",
      "statusChangedAt": "2023-10-19T21:24:36.108Z",
      "statusChangedBy": {
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        "userId": "u_01H1V4NA10RMHWFBXB6A1ZBYRA"
      "statusDetail": null,
      "assignee": null,
      "assignedAt": null,
      "labels": [],
      "firstInboundMessageInfo": {
        "timestamp": "2023-10-19T14:12:25.733Z",
        "messageSource": "EMAIL"
      "firstOutboundMessageInfo": null,
      "lastInboundMessageInfo": {
        "timestamp": "2023-10-19T14:12:25.733Z",
        "messageSource": "EMAIL"
      "lastOutboundMessageInfo": null,
      "supportEmailAddresses": [""],
      "createdAt": "2023-10-19T14:12:25.266Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "actorType": "system",
        "system": "email_inbound_handler"
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-19T21:24:36.108Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "actorType": "user",
        "userId": "u_01H1V4NA10RMHWFBXB6A1ZBYRA"
  "webhookMetadata": {
    "webhookTargetId": "whTarget_01HD4400VTDJQ646V6RY37SR7K",
    "webhookDeliveryAttemptId": "whAttempt_01HD4XH9YE8CK6KT3G8VRX38R7",
    "webhookDeliveryAttemptNumber": 1,
    "webhookDeliveryAttemptTimestamp": "2023-10-19T21:30:17.422Z"
  "type": "thread.thread_status_transitioned"