To receive emails, you need to set up email forwarding from your company’s support email address (e.g. to your Plain workspace’s inbound email address. Your workspace’s inbound email address ends with and can be found in under SettingsEmail.

This assumes you use Google Workspace (formerly called Google Apps) to manage your domain’s emails.

If your email provider is not Google, you can still set up email forwarding in different ways, such as with your domain registrar (e.g. DNSimple) or your email provider (e.g. Microsoft 365).


Go to your Gmail routing configuration


Add a new rule

Under “Default routing” click on “CONFIGURE” or “ADD ANOTHER RULE”

Add new rule


Set the recipient

In the dropdown, select “Single recipient” and write your support email address under “Email address”

Add your support email address


Check the box `Change envelope recipient`


Replace the recipient`

Choose “Replace recipient” and paste the inbound email address (

Replace recipient


Set who the rule applies to

Scroll further down, and choose “Perform this action on non-recognised and recognised addresses”

Apply to all addresses


Click on `Save`

…and That’s it! 💅

If you have existing email routing rules they can sometimes conflict with ones you add for Plain. For optimal reliability always reorder the Plain ones to apply first.